Yukon Books - Whitehorse, Yukon
Yukonbooks.com > Text Listing of all Out of Print & Rare Items

  Text Listing of all Out of Print & Rare Items

Customers that wish to directly use our database of out of print and rare books can download all of that data on this page. The downloaded file is in a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) text file format, suitable for import into a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft® Excel™.

Download the out of print listing file: yukonbooks_op_listing.csv.

Save the file somewhere on your hard drive. If you're using Microsoft Excel, all you then have to do is double-click the file in Windows Explorer and Excel will open automatically with the file loaded. Other programs should also be able to load the file with a minimum of fuss.

Note: some web browsers, notably Netscape, may try to append the extension ".php" to the end of the file name. Rename the file to just yukonbooks_op_listing.csv otherwise your spreadsheet program may not recognize the format.

A new version of the listing is generated each time you download the file, so the version you receive is the most current snapshot of our database that is available. The listing contains the following fields: SKU, ISBN, TITLE, AUTHOR, PRICE, PUBLISHER, PUBLICATION_MONTH, PUBLICATION_YEAR, PUBLISHER_LOCATION, PAGES, SIZE_DIMENSIONS, BINDING, CONDITION, FIRST_EDITION, SIGNED. Some records may not fill every field.


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