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Haa Shuka, Our Ancestors: Tlingit Oral Narratives
by Dauenhauer, Nora M. & Dauenhauer, Richard

Haa Shuka, Our Ancestors: Tlingit Oral Narratives 
Front Cover

  Haa Shuka, Our Ancestors: Tlingit Oral Narratives: These gripping and powerful prose narratives relate monumental events in the lives of the forebears of Tlingit clans, from the prehistoric migration to the coast of Southeast Alaska to the first contact with Europeans.

“Haa Shuka, Our Ancestors, the first volume in a series of Tlingit narratives to be edited by the Dauenhauers and published by the University of Washington Press, is a brilliant addition to these efforts. The text are not 'rewrites' but rather transcriptions of what, in each case, a single informant said on a single occasion, with translations designed – by means of layout, orthography, punctuation, and a thorough knowledge of Tlingit language, history, a thorough introduction to their format, oral style, and cultural context, a lengthy explanation of Tlingit phonetics and grammar, extensive historical and linguistic notes, and brief biographies......, Haa Shuka is simultaneously a work of literature, a contribution to scholarship, and an act of homage to the Tlingit elders who contributed to the project for the sake of their descendants.” -World Literature Today.

Quantity:1 item(s) available
Weight:0.71 kg
Price: CDN$ 52.00 (US$ 50.60)
Author:Dauenhauer, Nora M. & Dauenhauer, Richard
Publisher:University of Washington Press
Seattle, Washington
Publication Date:1999
Pages:514 pages
Size/Dimensions:1.25 x 6.0 x 9.0 inches


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