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by Jean Craighead George

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  Julie's decision to return home to her people is not an easy one. But after many months in the wilderness, living in harmony with the wolves that saved her life, she knows the time has come.
Julie is not prepared, however, for all the changes that she finds. Her father has forsaken many of the old Eskimo traditions. He has given up his sled dogs for a snowmobile, and now looks after the musk oxen that serve as the village's income. He will do anything to protect them -- even shoot any wolves that might threaten the herd. Julie knows that, like her father, she must find a way to reconcile the old ways with the new. But how can she do that without putting her beloved wolves in danger?"This sequel to 1973 Newbery Medal-winning Julie of the Wolves continues the story of Julie Edwards Miyax Kapugen. Miyax is now living in Kangik village with her father, Kapugen. The one shadow that looms over Miyax is her knowledge that Kapugen will shoot more of her beloved wolves if they threaten the herd that he is raising as part of the village's industry. Their fate depends on whether or not Miyax can prove to her father what he once knew but seems to have forgotten: that Eskimos and animals must coexist as friends."— K. "This is that rare thing, a sequel worthy of the original."— C.

Quantity:2 item(s) available
Weight:0.90 kg
Price: CDN$ 9.99 (US$ 9.72)
Author:Jean Craighead George
Publisher:Harper Collins Publishing
New York
Publication Date:1994


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