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Blueberries for Sal
by Robert McCloskey

Blueberries for Sal 
Front Cover

  This is the story of a little girl that goes blueberry picking with her mother. She is helping her pick blueberries but she is more concerned with eating them than she is with keeping them so her mother can make things with them. At the same time a mother bear was picking blueberries with her cub to stock up for the winter. The cub was doing the same thing as Sal and eating the blueberries faster then he was picking them. The cub and Sal did not follow their mothers. They just wondering off eating their merry way around the mountain. Eventually Sal and the cub end up all mixed up and with the wrong mothers and they set out to get with the right ones again.
I love this book. It is a great tale and it is so much fun to read over and over again. The pictures are great and so realistic. I think this really is a good book for children to read and I think it is one that they would really enjoy reading too. This is definitely a book that I want for my class collection and I think the author did a really good job at making this book fun and full of adventure.
Sal is every little kid eating all the blueberries in her pail and then reaching into mom''s pail to get some more. It is a cute story of mother and and child that all parents and their children will relate to. It is one "children''s book" that appeals to all ages. There is adventure and surprise all mixed with humour but I''ll let you read about that.
Blueberries for Sal is a favourite book from childhood and is still one of my favourite books to this very day. This book is about a young girl who finds herself caught in a wild adventure while she is picking blueberries with her mother. It is a perfect book to sit down and read together as a family, and is a story both children and parents can relate to. I will never forget listening to my mother read, eating blueberries, and singing kurplink, kurplank, kurplunk.

Quantity:1 item(s) available
Weight:0.15 kg
Price: CDN$ 12.49 (US$ 12.15)
Author:Robert McCloskey
Publisher:Puffin Books
New York
Publication Date:1948
Binding:Trade Paperback


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